Web Programcısı  |  Yönetim Panelli Her Türlü Web Sayfaları Yapılır. (Php+MySQL+CSS+HTML+ASP.NET)
900 TL/Adet
Ahmet Kılıç /  Web Programcısı
ahmet nazli /  tek
gaziantepTurks and Caicos Islands
Cayci  | 
0 TL/Saat
Asiye Akyikdiz / 
IstanbulTurks and Caicos Islands
mehmet kara / 
gaziantepTurks and Caicos Islands
Dış Ticaret Meslek Elemanı  | 
1.5 TL/Ay
melis sabaz / 
Fashion Designer and Production Consultant  | 
0 TL/Saat
Ahmet Suat Mangan / 
murat Oğuz / 
eskisehirTurks and Caicos Islands
Sibel Kaya Aşkın / 
istanbulTurks and Caicos Islands
hersektorde kendıme gvenım ve azmım deneyımımle her daım hedefım yukselmktır  |  daha tutmlu olmak ve harcamalara dıkat etmk acısından
1500 TL/Ay
fuat gurbuz / 
istanbulTurks and Caicos Islands
Nationality: Azerbaijan Marital status: Married Trainings 2011 Working at Height 2011 Workplace Health & Safety 2009 Manual Handling Education: 2005 – 2009 Azerbaijan International University Faculty of Law Experience: 2006 – 2007 Trainee Document clerk in Nasimi District Police Department 2009 – 2010 Driver in BETEKO 2010 – 2012 Draftsman for BETEKO Strengths: Confident, creative, good organizational skills. Dynamic, high learning ability, tolerant, patient. Ability to work as part of a team as well as independently communicative. Language: Azerbaijan (native), Turkish (good), English (poor), Russian (moderate) Computer skills: AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Office Document, Microsoft Office outlook, Microsoft Office publisher, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Access, Microsoft Office Vision Other skills and abilities: Driving (B),  | 
0 TL/Saat
Qurban Bayramaliyev / 
